Born in Chicago, I lived in the U.S. until age ten, when my family moved to Israel. I went to high school in Jerusalem during the second intifada. During high school, I represented Israel in two international debate tournaments, and did voice training for two years as part of my school’s music program.
I moved back to the U.S. in 2004, studying at Boston University where I majored in philosophy and political science and minored in international relations. While at BU, I raced with the BU Cycling Team and wrote a political column for the BU student paper, while working as a web developer. I took off my junior fall semester to explore the country on a motorcycle. I graduated magna cum laude in spring 2008.
I have been developing websites and web applications since middle school (see my CV). In April 2010 I founded New Leaf Digital, a consulting business specializing in custom Drupal development. Later that year, I co-founded Antiques Near Me, a local search portal for the antiques industry. In 2011 I began shifting my professional focus to the Node.js ecosystem.
In September 2011, I moved with Stephanie Garlow to Argentina. We have a travel blog where we chronicle our adventures. A year later, we moved to San Francisco. We got married in September 2013. On weekends we like to ride our motorcycle around beautiful northern California.
I love motorcycling, sailing, skiing, and woodworking, among other things. I am very interested in politics and public policy.
Please feel free to email me at ben at benbuckman dot net.